
Thoughts for 2011

Also... Don’t fantasize about being someone who is more ________ in 2011 (popular, thin, beautiful, etc) focus on being someone who lives.  Wake up in 2011 and don’t waste a day of it. (via makeundermylife)

Some of the loveliest words that arrive in my inbox are from Dominique Browning via her blog, Slow Life Love. Her wishes for the New Year: 

May the next year be a time of growth, and change, and delight. May we all find ways to give of the love with which our hearts are so easily filled--when we let them be filled. May we learn to unclench our fists, and let go of anger. May we metamorphose through our days in an atmosphere of good will, and take flight into the world sparkling good will over others, in coherent scatterings of light. And may the inevitable incoherent scatterings visited upon us eventually leave us stronger and better.

1 comment:

  1. LOve it! So true we wast time wanting to be something we never will be instead of loving who we are!


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