
Beautiful Science

This past Saturday we headed to Golden Gate Park to check out the California Academy of SciencesThe combination museum / planetarium / aquarium / rain forest was pretty amazing. It was busy but not too crowded to relax and thoroughly enjoy the experience. There is a vast amount of information to absorb (it is a science museum after all) so allow yourself plenty of time to explore so that you get the most out of your visit. My favorite part, the planetarium, is the largest in the world. 

All new earthquake exhibit scheduled to open later this month.
(I slept through my first earthquake so I am extra curious about this.)

Information is projected on fluid-like displays with encasing aquariums.


The multifaceted museum experience is topped off, literally, with a green roof that visitors can explore. 

Exploring the space I was reminded how much I love exhibit design. When considering well designed museums the Insectarium in New Orleans often comes to mind. The exhibits drew me in with pattern and color, renewing my child-like fascination with insects.

A few photos from my 2009 visit to New Orleans...

The next day we packed everyone up in the car and drove about an hour and a half to Santa Cruz. This past weekend was the little lady's last in SF before she heads off for the summer so we wanted make it memorable... stay tuned for details!

become part of my journey

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