
Home {quote + photo = inspiration}

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. 
- Jane Austin

I feel like this is the perfect message as we enter into cooler temperatures in Atlanta. Sometimes the tricky part is making a house feel like a home, which is exactly what Jona and I are now working on after recent moves into new places. I cannot think of a better time of year to be at home organizing, purging, and decorating... holiday entertaining is just around the corner!

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Wonderlust Photography by Jona
Content Written + Edited by Melanie


  1. Do I ever love home quotes, "A thousand days at home are a pleasure; an hour away from home is a trial."

    As a man this one rings true from Elsie De Wolfe and she should know: "It is the personality of the mistress that the home expresses. Men are forever guests in our homes, no matter how much happiness they may find..."

    But this compensates, "Home is any four walls that enclose the right person."

  2. Thank you for sharing Terry, great quotes!


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